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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 65 / Number 2

Application of Dynamic Simulation to Radwaste Evaporator Systems

Habib Amin, K. C. Chiu, David W. James

Nuclear Technology / Volume 65 / Number 2 / May 1984 / Pages 325-331

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

A generic computer model has been developed for the dynamic simulation of the radwaste evaporator system in nuclear power stations. The waste evaporator system is designed to receive dilute radioactive waste and to produce distillate and concentrated waste. The generic system component models developed include a submerged tube evaporator, a plate-type absorber, a partially submerged tube condenser, and the interconnecting piping. The system component models have been integrated with Bechtel’s Dynamic Analysis Program to simulate the system’s dynamics. To illustrate the application of the model, the dynamics of an adjustment to the condenser cooling water flow valve have been simulated and presented. This presentation illustrates the strong potential of the model for solving control problems in new and operating radwaste evaporator systems. Potential applications of the computer model to radwaste evaporator systems include troubleshooting, optimization of control parameters, and automation of control functions.