American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 140 / Number 3

The Kinetics of 60Co Uptake on and Release from Stainless Steel With and Without 65Zn Addition Under Boiling Water Reactor Conditions

Derek H. Lister, Gopala Venkateswaran, Norman Arbeau

Nuclear Technology / Volume 140 / Number 3 / December 2002 / Pages 288-302

Technical Paper / Nuclear Plant Operations and Control /

In water-cooled reactors measures to minimize the radiation fields due to the transport and deposition of 60Co are important to ensure low occupational doses of radiation. For example, it is now accepted practice to add zinc to boiling water reactor coolant to minimize 60Co transport and pickup by surfaces. This paper describes a study of the kinetics of 60Co deposition on Type 316 stainless steel in neutral, partially deoxygenated water at 563 K and 10.2 MPa with and without zinc traced with 65Zn. The effect of zinc addition on the corrosion rate of preoxidized stainless steel was also studied using relatively high concentrations of additive. General observations and a mathematical model of the corrosion rate provide insights into the possible mechanisms involved.