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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 63 / Number 1

Decommissioning of Large Nuclear Power Plants with LWRs in the Federal Republic of Germany

Gerhard V. P. Watzel, Ingolf Auler

Nuclear Technology / Volume 63 / Number 1 / October 1983 / Pages 90-101

Technical Paper / Economic /

A short review of the essential results of a German decommissioning study is given, which treats the total dismantling of the reference plants Biblis A, a 1204-MW pressurized water reactor, and Brunsbüttel, an 805-MW boiling water reactor. The necessary decommissioning techniques are available today and the resulting costs and structures can be determined. A detailed evaluation of the working procedures and sequences is carried out and the given boundary conditions and assumptions (licensing requirements, activity release criteria, repository concepts, etc.) are explained. Data on activity inventory, masses, and wastes are given.