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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 63 / Number 2

Operability and Maintainability of the Barnwell Nuclear Fuel Plant: A Key Issue

Robert E. Brooksbank, Sr., Ray O. Sandberg

Nuclear Technology / Volume 63 / Number 2 / November 1983 / Pages 244-253

Technical Paper / Chemical Processing /

The results of a study sponsored by Bechtel National, Inc., and Electric Power Research Institute in which the operability and maintainability of the Barnwell Nuclear Fuel Plant (BNFP) were assessed by a seven-man team of reprocessing experts are part of an on-site comprehensive review of the plant that was performed encompassing (a) flow sheets, (b) equipment specifications, (c) operating and maintenance procedures, (d) quality assurance procedures and practices, (e) cell-by-cell inspections, and (f) results of the “cold” test program conducted using “stand-in” uranium and plant solvent. The overall judgment of the review team was that the BNFP can be operated on a sustained basis at a capacity of ∼1200 tonne heavy metal/yr provided that modifications are made to certain systems and that the planned preoperational testing program is carried through to completion.