American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 62 / Number 3

A Mobile Gamma Scanning System for Detecting Radiation Anomalies

Tim E. Myrick, Michael S. Blair, Richard W. Doane, William A. Goldsmith

Nuclear Technology / Volume 62 / Number 3 / September 1983 / Pages 364-370

Technical Note / Technique /

A mobile gamma-ray scanning system has been developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for use in the U.S. Department of Energy’s remedial action survey programs. The unit consists of Nal(Tl) detectors housed in a specially equipped van. The system is operator controlled through an on-board minicomputer with data output provided on the computer video screen, strip chart recorders, and an on-line printer. Data storage is provided on floppy disk. Multichannel analysis capabilities are included for qualitative radionuclide identification. A 226Ra-specific algorithm is currently employed to identify locations containing residual radium-bearing materials.