American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 62 / Number 1

Development and Operational Experiences of an Automated Remote Inspection System for Interior of Primary Containment Vessel of a BWR

Norihiko Ozaki, Fumio Tomizawa, Masaaiki Fujii, Masayoshi Sasaki, Ken-Ichiro Sadakane, Chikara Sato, Katsuhiro Mizuno

Nuclear Technology / Volume 62 / Number 1 / July 1983 / Pages 102-109

Technical Paper / Technique /

A prototype was developed for an automated remote inspection system featuring continuous monitoring of the working status of major components inside the primary containment vessel of a boiling water reactor. This inspection system consists of four units, or vehicles, which are towed by a trolley chain along a monorail; a complex coaxial cable for data transmission and for power supply; and an operator’s console. A TV camera, microphone, thermometer, hygrometer, and ionization chamber are mounted on the various units. After several months’ testing under high-ambient temperature, the system was installed in the Tokai-2 power station of Japan Atomic Power Company for in situ tests.