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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 61 / Number 3

Reprocessing in Breeder Fuel Cycles

William D. Burch, W. S. Groenier

Nuclear Technology / Volume 61 / Number 3 / June 1983 / Pages 388-397

Technical Paper / New Directions in Nuclear Energy with Emphasis on Fuel Cycles / Nuclear Fuel /

Over the past decade, the United States has developed plans and carried out programs directed toward the demonstration of breeder fuel reprocessing in connection with early breeder demonstration reactors. Although subject to continuing debate, progress continued on the construction of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor (CRBR) with startup anticipated near the end of this decade. While plans for the CRBR and its associated fuel cycle are still being firmed up, the basic R&D programs required to carry out the demonstrations have continued. Policies call for breeder recycle to begin in the early to mid-1990s. An important objective of the reprocessing program is to develop advanced technology for the recovery of fissile materials in systems that minimize environmental emissions and doses to plant workers, and that also provide effective fissile material safeguards. Major improvements include technology for remote operation and maintenance, low-flow ventilation systems coupled with more effective off-gas treatment, and advanced process monitoring for control and safeguards.