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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 60 / Number 1

GRABB—A Computer Code for Simulating Fission Gas Dispostion in Oxide Fuel During Fast Thermal Transient

Shan H. Chien, A. R. Wazzan, D. Okrent

Nuclear Technology / Volume 60 / Number 1 / January 1983 / Pages 69-83

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

A fission gas code, GRABB, is developed to model intragranular and grain boundary fission gas development and release in a fast thermal transient. Transient direct electrical heating fission gas data, test 33, is simulated with GRABB and GRASS-SST. The computations show that accurate fuel modeling requires consideration of grain edge fission gas and a grain surface bubble interlinkage mechanism. Swelling data are slightly better predicted by GRABB than by GRASS-SST. Both codes underestimate the low temperature gas release data. The GRASS-SST code underestimates the intermediate temperature gas release while GRABB predictions are within the scatter of the data. The high temperature gas release is overestimated by GRASS-SST while GRABB underestimates it.