American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 59 / Number 1

Behavior of (U,Pu)O2 Sphere-Pac Fuel, with Plutonium in the Large Spheres Only, in Low Burnup Tests Under Pressurized Water Reactor Conditions

Aart Van Der Linde, Jacques H. N. Verheugen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 59 / Number 1 / October 1982 / Pages 70-77

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

Two irradiation tests were conducted in the pressurized water reactor loop of the High Flux Reactor at Petten to compare the low burnup (0.4% fima), high power (35 to 60 kW·m−1) performance of MO2 sphere-pac fuel with the plutonium incorporated only in the large (1000-µm) diameter spheres and that of homogeneously enriched UO2 sphere-pac and pellet fuel The fuel columns in the Zircaloy-4 clad pins were fabricated with a smear density of 87 to 88% of the theoretical UO2 density. Postirradiation examinations showed that fission gas release, axial migration of cesium, and relocation of small (10- to 40-µm) and medium (∼100-µm) diameter spheres were considerably larger in the MO2 sphere-pac pins than in the UO2 sphere-pac pins. Contrary to observations in the pellet pins, no hard mechanical fuel-cladding interaction has been observed in the sphere-pac pins. Although these tests showed the technical feasibility of the inhomogeneous MO2 sphere-pac fuel pin, its further development seems appropriate only in connection with the use of recycle light water reactor fuel.