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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 59 / Number 1

Determination of Thermal Accommodation Coefficients of Inert Gases on a Surface of Vitreous UO2 at ∼35°C

Lloyd B. Thomas, Sudarshan K. Loyalka

Nuclear Technology / Volume 59 / Number 1 / October 1982 / Pages 63-69

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

Estimation of gap conductance in nuclear reactor fuel rods requires values for thermal accommodation coefficients of several gases on Zircaloy, uranium-dioxide, stainless steel, and other surfaces. These values for UO2 have now been obtained by observing cooling rates of a UO2 sphere suspended in the several gases in a manner similar to the authors’ previous work on Zircaloy-2. These measurements are on so-called “engineering” surfaces, and no special attempt other than mild baking under high vacuum pumping was used to clean the surfaces.