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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 59 / Number 1

Tritium Analysis of Irradiated Burnable Poison Rods

Filippo D’Annucci, Elma Beth S. Pardue, Wilfried Rommelaere, Günter Bäro

Nuclear Technology / Volume 59 / Number 1 / October 1982 / Pages 9-13

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

To investigate the tritium content in the various components and to determine the 10B burnup, a postirradiation examination was carried out on three burnable poison rods that had been irradiated in the first cycle of the Oconee 2 Reactor. The results of the analysis reveal that the Al2O3-B4C pellets retain the major portion 099%) of all the tritium generated; only a very small quantity (<0.5%) of the tritium produced is absorbed by the cladding and no tritium was detected in the plenum gas. Comparison of the average postirradiation 10B content with the preirradiation content indicates that almost all of the 10B has been consumed. The experimental results are in good agreement with the calculated tritium content of an irradiated poison rod.