American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 139 / Number 1

Regulatory Concerns on the In-Containment Water Storage System of the Korean Next Generation Reactor

Hyung-Joon Ahn, Jae-Hun Lee, Young-Seok Bang, Hho-Jung Kim

Nuclear Technology / Volume 139 / Number 1 / July 2002 / Pages 30-35

Technical Note /

The in-containment water storage system (IWSS) is a newly adopted system in the design of the Korean Next Generation Reactor (KNGR). It consists of the in-containment refueling water storage tank, holdup volume tank, and cavity flooding system (CFS). The IWSS has the function of steam condensation and heat sink for the steam release from the pressurizer and provides cooling water to the safety injection system and containment spray system in an accident condition and to the CFS in a severe accident condition. With the progress of the KNGR design, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety has been developing Safety and Regulatory Requirements and Guidances for safety review of the KNGR. In this paper, regarding the IWSS of the KNGR, the major contents of the General Safety Criteria, Specific Safety Requirements, Safety Regulatory Guides, and Safety Review Procedures were introduced, and the safety review items that have to be reviewed in-depth from the regulatory viewpoint were also identified.