American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 56 / Number 3

Metallic Combinations of Pu-Th and 233U-Th or Pu-Th and 233U-238U Fuel Cycles as Possible Alternatives to (Pu-U)O2 in LMFBRs

C. C. Lee, R. A. Karam

Nuclear Technology / Volume 56 / Number 3 / March 1982 / Pages 535-546

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

Optimized breeding performances of three breeder strategies are compared. The first strategy is the normal mixed plutonium-uranium oxide fuel cycle, which is used as a reference case. The second is based on the use of the light water reactor generated plutonium in interim Pu-Th (metallic fuel) breeders cooled with sodium to build up 233U inventory for use in liquid-metal fast breeder reactors fueled with metallic 233U-Th. The third is based on a combination cycle involving two reactor types, Pu-Th and 233U-238U, both using metallic fuel and sodium as a coolant. These reactors will operate simultaneously; the excess 233U generated in the Pu-Th reactors is used to fuel the 233U-238U reactors and the plutonium generated in the 233U-238U reactors is used to fuel the Pu-Th reactors. The combination cycle has obvious antiproliferation characteristics. The breeding performance as measured by optimized compound system doubling time for nominal 1000-MW(electric) systems was 8.8 years for the combination system of Pu-Th and 233U-238U reactors 31.4 years for the 233U-Th reactor, and 14 years for the (Pu-U)O2 reactor. The corresponding optimum fuel pin diameters were 0.30, 0.37, and 0.28 in., respectively. The Δk/k change associated with the removal of all the sodium from the inner core (inner to outer core volume ratio is 60:40) was +0.03, +1.01, +1.23, and +2.60% for the 233U-Th, 233U-238U, Pu-Th, and (Pu-U)O2 reactors, respectively. Preliminary calculations indicate that it is possible to design the 233U-238U reactors to operate on an extended cycle such that once the reactor is built, it only needs natural uranium as feed fuel for the rest of the lifetime of the reactor. Estimates of the fuel cycle costs of each reactor show that the cost of the extended burnup cycle is ∼35% less than the (Pu-U)O2 cycle.