American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 56 / Number 3

The DSNP Simulation Language and Its Application to Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Transient Analyses

D. Saphier, J. T. Madell

Nuclear Technology / Volume 56 / Number 3 / March 1982 / Pages 493-506

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

A new, special purpose blockoriented simulation language, the Dynamic Simulator for Nuclear Power Plants (DSNP), was used to perform a dynamic analysis of several conceptual design studies of liquid-metal fast breeder reactors. The DSNP being a high level language enables the user to transform a power plant flow chart directly into a simulation program using a small number of DSNP statements. In addition to the language statements, the DSNP system has its own precompiler and an extensive library containing models of power plant components, algorithms of physical processes, material property functions, and various auxiliary functions. The comparative analysis covered oxide-fueled versus metal-fueled core designs and loop- versus pool-type reactors. The question of interest was the rate of change of the temperatures in the components in the upper plenum and the primary loop, in particular the reactor outlet nozzle and the intermediate heat exchanger inlet nozzle during different types of transients. From the simulations performed it can be concluded that metal-fueled cores will have much faster temperature transients than oxide-fueled cores due mainly to the much higher thermal diffusivity of the metal fuel. The transients in the pool-type design (either with oxide fuel or metal fuel) will be much slower than in the loop-type design due to the large heat capacity of the sodium pool The DSNP language was demonstrated to be well suited to perform many types of transient analysis in nuclear power plants.