American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 56 / Number 3

Monitoring Krypton-85 During Three Mile Island Unit 2 Purging

William A. Jester, Anthony J. Baratta, Jr.

Nuclear Technology / Volume 56 / Number 3 / March 1982 / Pages 478-483

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

The Penn State noble gas monitor played an important role in measuring environmental levels of 85Kr during the purging of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 primary containment. It filled a gap in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency monitoring program, which existed between their real time monitors and their cryogenic gas chromatographic separation technique. During the 15-day purging period, the system analyzed a total of 124 samples, of which 37 were quantified to contain 85Kr in concentrations ranging from 3×104 to 1.5×106 pCi/m3. The maximum whole body beta dose rate was found to be 0.28 mrem/h.