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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 138 / Number 1

An Estimate of the Crust Thickness on the Surface of a Thermally Convecting Liquid-Metal Pool

Askar A. Gubaidullin, Bal Raj Sehgal

Nuclear Technology / Volume 138 / Number 1 / April 2002 / Pages 90-92

Technical Note / Thermal Hydraulics /

A semiempirical correlation for an estimate of crust thickness in a molten pool is presented and validated against published experimental data. The proposed correlation between the dimensionless crust thickness and the Biot and the Prandtl numbers has been developed as [overbar]* = 14.49BiPr -0.074. A scaling methodology is discussed to analyze the thermal resistance of the crust. The results are of interest for the corium melt coolability in a postulated severe accident scenario in a light water reactor.