American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 53 / Number 3

Basic Elements of Light Water Reactor Fuel Rod Design

Joel Weisman, Roy Eckart

Nuclear Technology / Volume 53 / Number 3 / June 1981 / Pages 326-343

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel Cycle Education Module / Education /

Basic design techniques and equations are presented to allow students to understand and perform preliminary fuel design for normal reactor conditions. Each of the important design considerations is presented and discussed in detail. These include the interaction between fuel pellets and cladding and the changes in fuel and cladding that occur during the operating lifetime of the fuel A simple, student-oriented, fuel rod design computer program, called FUELROD, is described. The FUELROD program models the in-pile pellet cladding interaction and allows a realistic exploration of the effect of various design parameters. By use of FUELROD, the student can gain an appreciation of the fuel rod design process.