American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 51 / Number 1

Nondestructive Examination of a Defective Silver Braze Using Resonance-Neutron Radiography

J. W. Behrens, R. A. Schrack, C. D. Bowman

Nuclear Technology / Volume 51 / Number 1 / November 1980 / Pages 78-82

Technical Paper / Analysis /

Resonance-neutron radiography is being developed at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) for use in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and assay (NDA) applications. To illustrate the method we determined the distribution and thickness of silver between two silver-brazed metal plates. The NBS electron Linac provided a pulsed source of epithermal neutrons. Neutron energy was determined using the time-of-flight technique. Neutrons were detected using a one-dimensional position-sensitive proportional counter containing 4 atm 3He, 6 atm argon, and 0.5 atm CO2 and having a spatial resolution of 5 mm. Transmission values, measured over the 5.2-eV resonance in 109Ag, were used to locate the silver. Simple area analysis of these values yielded the amount of silver that was present.