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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 49 / Number 1

Control of Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Tritium in Sodium Systems at Experimental Breeder Reactor II

Marilyn M. Osterhout

Nuclear Technology / Volume 49 / Number 1 / June 1980 / Pages 47-50

Technical Paper / Nuclear Power Reactor Safety / Reactor /

The source rates and steady-state concentrations have been measured for oxygen, hydrogen, and tritium impurities in the Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) sodium systems. An analytical approach is used to determine the effectiveness of the cold traps for removing oxygen, hydrogen, and tritium. The cold trap effectiveness data accumulated to date for removal of oxygen, hydrogen, and tritium indicate that EBR-II cold traps are highly effective in controlling these impurities to very low concentrations in the sodium systems.