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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 49 / Number 2

Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Seism

C. Plichon, R. Gueraud, M. H. Richli, J. F. Casagrande

Nuclear Technology / Volume 49 / Number 2 / July 1980 / Pages 295-306

Nuclear Fuel Cycle / Reactor /

The standardization of nuclear plants offers considerable advantages and results in particular in a reduction in deadlines and costs and in a concentration of the studies and testing facilities on a single type of equipment. In order that this standardization be even more beneficial, Electricité de France and Spie-Batignolles Company have developed the aseismic bearing foundation system based on the combination of elastomer and friction elements. This system permits the reconduction of a standardized nuclear plant in potentially higher seismic areas with an equivalent or even higher degree of safety. The implementation of this concept on actual nuclear power plants has necessitated a comprehensive analysis of technological and mathematical aspects during recent years.