American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 48 / Number 2

Reaction Rate Calculations in Uranium and Thorium Blankets Surrounding a Central Deuterium-Tritium Neutron Source

A. D. Krumbein, M. Lemanska, M. Segev, J. J. Wagschal, A. Yaari

Nuclear Technology / Volume 48 / Number 2 / April 1980 / Pages 110-116

Technical Paper / Reactor /

Calculations were performed for 238U and 232Th blankets for a fusion hybrid reactor. Comparisons between results using ENDF/B-III and ENDF/B-IV cross sections for 238U were made. Corrections to the latter cross-section set were suggested, bringing the computed results close to the reported experimental ones. Computations using ENDF/B-IV 232Th cross sections were found to agree very well with experiment.