American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 47 / Number 2

Gas Generation by Self-Radiolysis of Tritiated Waste Materials

W. E. Tadlock, G. C. Abell, R. H. Steinmeyer

Nuclear Technology / Volume 47 / Number 2 / February 1980 / Pages 358-362

Technical Paper / Material /

Studies simulating the effect of self-radiolysis in disposal packages containing tritiated waste materials show hydrogen to be the dominant gas-phase product. Pressure buildup and gas composition over various tritiated octane and tritiated water samples are designed to give “worst case” results. One effect of tritium fixation agents is to reduce pressure buildup. The results show that development of explosive gas mixtures is unlikely and that maximum pressure buildup in typical Mound Facility waste packages can be expected to be <0.25 MPa.