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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 47 / Number 1

Radiation Transport in Earth for Neutron and Gamma-Ray Point Sources Above an Air-Ground Interface

R. A. Lillie, R. T. Santoro

Nuclear Technology / Volume 47 / Number 1 / January 1980 / Pages 200-207

Technical Paper / Shielding /

Two-dimensional discrete-ordinates methods have been used to calculate the instantaneous dose rate in silicon and neutron and gamma-ray fluences as a function of depth in earth from point sources at various heights (1.0, 61.3, and 731.5 m) above an air-ground interface. The radiation incident on the earth’s surface was transported through an earthonly and an earth-concrete model containing 0.9 m of borated concrete beginning 0.5 m below the earth’s surface to obtain fluence distributions to a depth of 3.0 m. The inclusion of borated concrete did not significantly reduce the total instantaneous dose rate in silicon, and, in all cases, the secondary gamma-ray fluence and corresponding dose are substantially larger than the primary neutron fluence and corresponding dose for depths >0.6 m.