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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 47 / Number 3

Measurement of the Gamma Dose Rate Distribution in a Spent Fuel Assembly with a Thermoluminescent Detector

Akio Ohno, Shojiro Matsuura

Nuclear Technology / Volume 47 / Number 3 / March 1980 / Pages 485-493

Technical Paper / Hot Laboratory /

Thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) were applied to measurements of gamma dose rates and their distributions in spent fuel assemblies irradiated in a boiling water reactor, the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR). Materials used for the TLD were Mg2SiO4:Tb and LiF. Feasibility of the technique was confirmed by an on-site measurement in a spent fuel pond of the JPDR. The highest gamma dose rate calibrated to a 60Co gamma field was 4 × 103 R/h in the measured positions in a spent fuel assembly, with an average burnup of 5639 MWd/MTM and a cooling time of 8 yr. Reliability of the measurement by means of a TLD was tested via duplicate measurements on a fuel assembly. In the fields of nuclear safeguards and fuel management, application of TLDs will be effective in obtaining inside information of a spent fuel assembly nondestructively.