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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 46 / Number 2

Multichannel Model for Fuel-Coolant Interaction in a Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Subassembly

Kent Mehr, Heinz M. Kottowski, Horst Goldammer

Nuclear Technology / Volume 46 / Number 2 / December 1979 / Pages 362-368

Technical Paper / Nuclear Power Reactor Safety (Presented at the ENS/ANS International Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, October 16–19, 1978) / Reactor /

A multichannel model and computer code for fuel-coolant interaction in a liquid-metal fast breeder reactor subassembly have been developed. The model takes into account the geometry of the subassembly and assumes a partial meltdown. Results obtained with the code show the influence of local initial perturbations. Furthermore, it is revealed that the common vapor space between the coolant and the molten fuel is the predominant coupling between the channels.