American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 46 / Number 2

An On-Line Meteorological Information System for Response to Accidental Releases of Radioactivity into the Atmosphere

Helmut Peter Thomas

Nuclear Technology / Volume 46 / Number 2 / December 1979 / Pages 241-247

Technical Paper / Nuclear Power Reactor Safety (Presented at the ENS/ANS International Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, October 16–19, 1978) / Reactor /

A meteorological information system is operated at the Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (KfK). It consists of a tower equipped with instruments and a data processing system. An essential feature of software is the real-time computation of the local and temporal distribution of near-ground activity concentrations in the environment of KfK. After accidental activity releases, the display of concentration distribution serves to initiate concerted intervention.