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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 44 / Number 2

Separative Performance Transients in a Gas Centrifuge

D. R. Olander

Nuclear Technology / Volume 44 / Number 2 / July 1979 / Pages 307-314

Technical Paper / Isotope Separation /

A general method has been developed to calculate the behavior of the exit compositions from a gas centrifuge under unsteady conditions. The method utilizes the basic enrichment gradient equations derived by Cohen, which, in this case, contain time derivatives of the partial 235U inventories. These partial differential equations are converted to ordinary differential equations by a linear approximation to the axial concentration distribution for use in the inventory terms only. With this simplification, analytical solution is possible for the feed concentration transient. The transient driven by a change in the feed flow rate, however, requires numerical solution. For analysis of ideal cascades in the unsteady state, the transient flow and separation characteristics of the centrifuge must be combined with total uranium and 235U material balances on each stage.