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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 44 / Number 1

Getting at the Source: Reducing Radiation Fields

Robert A. Shaw

Nuclear Technology / Volume 44 / Number 1 / June 1979 / Pages 97-103

Technical Paper / Reactor /

The Electric Power Research Institute is presently supporting research on radiation control techniques for light water nuclear power plants. Nine different contractors working on 12 different contracts are addressing radiation control through such techniques as corrosion control, high-temperature filtration, plant operational control, and decontamination. Some initial results from these efforts are as follows.

  1. Plant piping radiation fields, resulting primarily from the decay of 58Co and 60Co, are increasing at 25 to 150 mR/h per full-power year.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide addition to pressurized water reactor plants has no effect on piping and steam generator radiation fields.
  3. Installation costs of a few million dollars for high-temperature filters are probably recoverable in a few years from radiation exposure reduction and increased availability.