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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 42 / Number 3

Intercomparison of Auto- and Cross-Power Spectral Density Surveillance Systems for Sodium Boiling Detection in Fast Reactors

Joachim Ehrhardt

Nuclear Technology / Volume 42 / Number 3 / March 1979 / Pages 250-263

Technical Paper / Reactor /

Theoretical and experimental investigations on detection systems for small narrow-band components in noise signals were conducted. These detection systems are based on the continuous surveillance of the power spectral density for characteristic peaks. Detection sensitivity for auto- and cross-correlation measurements was computed for signals with normally distributed amplitudes in dependence of signal coherence. The derived detection criteria allowed us to compare auto- and cross-power spectral density surveillance. Theoretical results were confirmed in a number of experimental parameter studies. Special theoretical investigations were done for the optimal detection of local sodium boiling in liquid-metal fast breeder reactors.