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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 42 / Number 2

Pulsed Reactivity Measurements of Large 235U-AI Castings in H2O

D. J. Pellarin, J. L. Jarriel

Nuclear Technology / Volume 42 / Number 2 / February 1979 / Pages 150-154

Technical Paper / Thorium Fuel Cycle in a Breeder Economy / Reactor /

Subcritical multiplication constants have been derived from pulsed-neutron measurements for 2×3 square pitch and hexagonal arrays of massive hollow cylinders of uranium-aluminum alloy in H2O. The cylinders were 22.02-cm-o.d., 14.80-cm-i.d. bare 235U-Al alloy castings of 30.50 wt% uranium (76.97% 235U) in aluminum. These measurements extend previous benchmark experiments on similar castings with lower enrichments. KENO-IV, a multigroup Monte Carlo criticality code (with Hansen-Roach cross sections), calculates the subcritical multiplication constants for these lattices over the reactivity range 0.77 < keff < 0.98, with an average conservative bias of ∼0.005 in keff.