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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 39 / Number 2

Development Work for a Borax Internal Core-Catcher for a Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor

M. Dalle Donne, S. Dorner, G. Schumacher

Nuclear Technology / Volume 39 / Number 2 / July 1978 / Pages 138-154

Technical Paper / Reactor /

Preliminary thermal calculations show that a corecatcher, which is able to cope with the complete meltdown of the core and blankets of a 1000-MW (electric) gas-cooled fast reactor, appears to be feasible. This core-catcher is based on borax (Na2B4O7) dissolving the oxide fuel and the fission products occurring in oxide form. The borax is contained in steel boxes forming a 2.2-m-thick slab on the base of the reactor cavity inside the prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV), just underneath the reactor core. After a complete meltdown accident, the fission products, in oxide form, are dispersed in the pool formed by the liquid borax. The metallic fission products are contained in the steel lying below the borax pool and in contact with the water-cooled PCRV liner. The volumetric power density of the molten core is conveniently reduced as it is dissolved in the borax, and the resulting heat fluxes at the borders of the pool can be safely carried away through the PCR V liner and its water cooling system.