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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 38 / Number 3

Experimental Verification of Tritium Control by Glove-Box Containment

Layton J. Wittenberg

Nuclear Technology / Volume 38 / Number 3 / May 1978 / Pages 434-440

Technical Paper / Hot Laboratory /

Concepts being developed for tritium containment at proposed fusion power plants will rely on existing laboratory experiences. The successful operation of a glove-box containment system was demonstrated by the control of an accidental release of 0.65 PBq (1.75 × 104 Ci) of tritium to the glove-box atmosphere. The total gaseous release to the environment was 79 ± 10 GBq (2.2 Ci). In addition, the tritium concentration in the body fluids of the sole worker in the laboratory increased by only 74 kBq/ℓ (2 µCi/ℓ). The appearance rate of tritium in the room and the absorption of tritium by the worker were adequately described by permeation of the molecular species of T2 and HTO through the gloves.