American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 37 / Number 2

Autonomous System for Control of an Experiment with Scintillation and Čerenkov Counters

Dušan Kollár, Lubica Kollárová, Pavel Horváth

Nuclear Technology / Volume 37 / Number 2 / February 1978 / Pages 167-183

Technical Paper / Plant Water Chemistry / Instrument /

A CAMAC system encompassing an experimental station consisting of coincidence circuits, delay lines, high-voltage power supplies, scalers, and control modules is described. The experimental station, as well as an autonomous system with programming units and a computer-controlled system, can be controlled. Specific task CAMAC modules were developed for the system, while some other control modules were adapted for use in the experimental station. The application for timing of the coincidence circuit with a time resolution of 1 ns is given and the procedure of autonomous control is described.