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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 36 / Number 3

An Optimal Set of Selected Uranium Enrichments That Minimizes Blending Consequences

Joel A. Nachlas, Harold A. Kurstedt, Jr., John S. Lorber, Jr.

Nuclear Technology / Volume 36 / Number 3 / December 1977 / Pages 328-335

Technical Paper / Economic /

Identities, quantities, and costs associated with producing a set of selected enrichments and blending them to provide fuel for existing reactors are investigated using an optimization model constructed with appropriate constraints. Selected enrichments are required for either nuclear reactor fuel standardization or potential uranium enrichment alternatives such as the gas centrifuge. Using a mixed-integer linear program, the model minimizes present worth costs for a 39-product-enrichment reference case. For four ingredients, the marginal blending cost is only 0.18% of the total direct production cost. Natural uranium is not an optimal blending ingredient. Optimal values reappear in most sets of ingredient enrichments.