American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 36 / Number 2

The Use of Fuel Reprocessing Plant Instrumentation for International Safeguards

Arnold L. Ayers

Nuclear Technology / Volume 36 / Number 2 / December 1977 / Pages 167-170

Technical Paper / International Safeguard / Fuel Cycle /

The International Atomic Energy Agency has a program for developing instrumentation to be used by safeguards inspectors at reprocessing facilities. These instruments have generally been individual pieces of equipment for improving the accuracy of existing measurement instrumentation or equipment to perform nondestructive assay on a selected basis. It is proposed that greater use be made of redundant plant instrumentation and data recovery systems that could augment plant instrumentation to verify the validity of plant measurements. Use of these methods for verification must be proven as part of an operating plant before they can be relied upon for safeguards surveillance. Inspectors must be qualified in plant operations, or have ready access to those so qualified, if the integrity of the operation is to be properly assessed. There is an immediate need for the development and in-plant proof testing of an integrated gamma, passive neutron, and active neutron measurement system for drum quantities of radioactive trash. The primary safeguards effort should be limited to plutonium and highly enriched uranium.