American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 3

Fission and Explosive Energy Releases of PuO2, PuO2-UO2, UO2, and UO3 Assemblies

J. J. Koelling, G. E. Hansen, C. C. Byers

Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 3 / October 1977 / Pages 611-616

Technical Paper / Reactor Siting /

The critical masses and fission and explosive energy releases of PuO2, PuO2-U2, UO2, and UO3 assemblies have been calculated. The parameters selected for the model are conservative. They were chosen after review of appropriate plants that have been and are proposed for construction in the future. The resulting data envelopes are intended to include any conceivable set of circumstances that could ultimately lead to a nuclear incident. All energy release analysis was performed for initial fission spikes only: recriticality mechanisms were not considered.