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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 3

A Technical Scale Gas Generator for Steam Gasification of Coal Using Nuclear Heat

H. Jüntgen, K. H. Van Heek

Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 3 / October 1977 / Pages 581-590

Technical Paper / Reactor /

Bergbau-Forschung GmbH has developed a fluidized bed coal gasifier into which the reaction heat is transferred from a gas-cooled high-temperature nuclear reactor (HTR). Extensive material research has shown that new alloys based on Incoloy 800 will meet the specifications required for the heat exchanger. According to bench and pilot plant scale experiments, a technical scale gasifier will process ∼50.103 kg of low volatile bituminous coal/h at 40 bar (4 MPa). Such HTR parameters as helium outlet and inlet temperatures, such coal parameters as ash and water content or reactivity, and other parameters exert an impact on operating data of a combined plant consisting of an HTR and a gas plant.