American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 1

On the Effective Temperature of an Expanding Tube with a Radial Temperature Gradient over the Wall

W. Van Witzenburg, L. G. J. Janssen, J. Prij

Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 1 / August 1977 / Pages 184-187

Technical Note / Reactor /

By using the finite-strain theory, an effective temperature, defined as a uniform temperature producing the same deformation rates as the actual temperature gradient, of a thick-walled internally pressurized closed-end tube with an over-the-wall radial temperature gradient, is expressed in terms of original tube geometry, strain, temperature distribution, and creep properties of the tube material. For a stainless-steel cladding tube of a fission reactor fuel pin, with a radial temperature gradient of 50°C over the wall, the effective temperature equals the average of the instantaneous inner and outer surface temperatures to within 1°C.