American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 1

Study of Uranium-Plutonium Carbide-Based Fuel Simulating High Burnup

U. Benedict, G. Giacchetti, Hj. Matzke, K. Richter, C. Sari, H. E. Schmidt

Nuclear Technology / Volume 35 / Number 1 / August 1977 / Pages 154-161

Technical Paper / Fuel /

Carbide-based fuels simulating high burnup were prepared by addition of inactive fission product elements. They contained fission product phases of the UMoC2 and U2RUC2 type, and a rare-earth oxide phase. The thermal conductivity of the material is within the range observed for carbide-based fuels free of fission products. The diffusion of plutonium was considerably enhanced by the addition of fission products. The solid fission product swelling rate of a carbide-based fuel was estimated to be 0.5% per at.% burnup.