American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 33 / Number 3

The Spatial Variation of the Damage Energy and Gas Production in the Experimental Volume of a Li(D,n) Neutron Radiation Damage Facility

R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., J. Barish

Nuclear Technology / Volume 33 / Number 3 / May 1977 / Pages 318-321

Technical Note / Material /

Calculated results are presented of the variation with position in the experimental volume of a Li(D,n) neutron radiation damage facility of the damage energy and helium and hydrogen production in copper and in niobium when this volume is partially filled with experimental samples. At a given position in the experimental volume for either copper or niobium, the ratio of the damaged energy with no absorber to the damaged energy with a 50-mm-thick iron absorber or a 100-mm-thick carbon absorber is never >3 and in most positions is <2. The neutron nonelastic cross-section data at the higher energies (>15 to 20 MeV) needed to carry out the transport calculations were obtained from the intranuclear-cascade model of nuclear reactions.