American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 31 / Number 3

Updated Measure of Radiation Damage Exposure

K. Shure

Nuclear Technology / Volume 31 / Number 3 / December 1976 / Pages 375-384

Technical Paper / Material /

Two previous correlations of the change in ductile-to-brittle transition temperature of A302B steel with neutron exposure have been supplemented by an updated correlation that employs newer cross-section informationfor neutron spectral calculations and for analyzing monitor activations. An International Atomic Energy Agency specialists’ recommended damage model for secondary displacements and an improved treatment of energy transfer to primary knock-on atoms due to neutron inelastic scattering have also been used. Consistent application of the previous and updated correlations at the inner edge of a typical pressurized water reactor vessel results in no significant differences in anticipated change in transition temperature.