American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 30 / Number 3

U3O8 Supply in Technical and Commercial Transition

P. F. Schutt, J. S. Hobbs

Nuclear Technology / Volume 30 / Number 3 / September 1976 / Pages 232-236

Technical Paper / Uranium Resource / Fuel Cycle /

The technical and commercial aspects of uranium supply are undergoing fundamental transitions. A review of the background of uranium supply and the current supply and demand situation provides an understanding of the reasons for change. Technical changes include by-product recovery and on-deposit recovering using in situ and upgrading processes. On-deposit upgrading methods are being developed on large pilot plant and commercial-size scales. Commercial approaches are changing from straightforward purchasing to grass roots involvement in exploration and production. The new commercial practices are providing economic stimulus to the production industry, as well as giving the purchaser added security of supply.