American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 29 / Number 3

An Intense Li(d,n) Neutron Radiation Test Facility for Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor Materials Testing

P. Grand, K. Batchelor, J. P. Blewett, A. Goland, D. Gurinsky, J. Kukkonen, C. L. Snead, Jr.

Nuclear Technology / Volume 29 / Number 3 / June 1976 / Pages 327-336

Technical Paper / Fusion Reactor Material / Material /

Brookhaven National Laboratory has proposed the construction of an intense Li(d,n) neutron source. The neutron production process is based on the stripping reaction of energetic deuterons on a flowing liquid-lithium target. The resulting neutron fluxes of >1014 n/(cm2 sec) are well collimated in the forward direction providing ∼1 liter of experimental volume for a 100-mA deuteron beam at ∼30 MeV. The neutron energy spectrum is centered at ∼14 MeV and extends from 8 to 20 MeV at FWHM. Models to calculate the radiation damage effectiveness of this neutron spectrum were developed. These show good agreement with the radiation damage expected in a fusion reactor model (BENCH) both in terms of dpa and helium production and recoil energy probabilities. The facility consists of a drift-tube-type linear accelerator producing the 30-MeV deuteron beam. This beam comprising two components (D+ and Dions) will be directed to the experimental area where it will be stopped on flowing liquid-lithium targets. The two different ion species will provide for the availability of two separate and independent experimental caves.