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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 24 / Number 3

ITSA—Above-Ground Retrievable Storage Method for Low-Level Transuranic Wastes

Paul J. Macbeth, Winston W. Hickman

Nuclear Technology / Volume 24 / Number 3 / December 1974 / Pages 383-390

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste /

The Idaho Transuranic Storage Area (ITSA) consists of wastes packaged in fiberglass-coated wooden boxes or steel drums designed to retain their integrity for 20 years. Containers are stacked on sloped asphalt pads. The array is covered with plywood, nylon-reinforced polyvinyl sheeting, and 2 to 3 ft of earth. The need for a safe and efficient method for storage of low-level transuranic wastes prompted the development of ITSA. Storage costs in 1973 for 208 000 ft3 of waste containing 24 600 Ci of transuranic activity average $1.04/ft3.