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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 23 / Number 2

Surface Density Method Employing Unit Shape Factor (s/v) for the Storage of Fissile Materials

C. L. Schuske, D. Dickinson, S. J. Altschuler

Nuclear Technology / Volume 23 / Number 2 / August 1974 / Pages 157-176

Chemical Processing / Nuclear Safeguards (Presented at November 1973 Meeting) /

Models for the safe and economical storage of large quantities of plutonium or highly enriched uranium have been developed. The models cover a wide range of compositions from aqueous solutions, wet and dry oxides, to full density metals. The models all use the parameters of unit surface-to-volume ratio and array surface density to define the safe storage arrays. The models take account of unit shape, size, and composition, as well as vault size. Arrays containing a mixture of different units are easy to calculate by the model. Important accident situations, such as double batching and fissile solution spills, are considered.