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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 21 / Number 2

Detection of Defective SiC Layers in Coated Nuclear Fuel Particles

D. M. Hewette, II, W. R. Laing

Nuclear Technology / Volume 21 / Number 2 / February 1974 / Pages 149-150

Technical Note / Fuel /

A technique has been developed for detecting defective SiC layers in silicon carbide-pyrolytic carbon coated fuel particles. The outer coating of carbon is burned off at 800°C, and the particles are pressurized at 1000 lb /in.2 in a mercury porosimeter. Mercury is forced through any defects in the SiC layer and into the porous carbon. The particles are examined by a low-voltage microradiographic technique. Defective particles were detected in some batches of coated fuel particles.