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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 18 / Number 3

Preparation of High-Level Alpha-Particle Sources for the Surveyor Alpha Scattering Experiment

James H. Patterson, Harry E. Griffin, E. Philip Horwitz, Carol A. A. Bloomquist

Nuclear Technology / Volume 18 / Number 3 / June 1973 / Pages 277-285

Technical Paper / Radioisotope /

Thin high intensity alpha-particle sources were prepared for the NASA Surveyor Alpha Scattering Experiment. The alpha-active isotope used for this experiment was 242Cm prepared by neutron irradiation of 241Am in a reactor. After irradiation the curium was separated from americium, fission products, and aluminum by liquid-liquid extraction, redox precipitation, and extraction chromatography techniques. The sources were prepared by vacuum sublimation of the curium onto stainless-steel plates, followed by carbon coating from a carbon arc and encapsulation for installation into the Alpha Scattering Instrument.