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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 18 / Number 2

EBR-II Feedback Transfer Function Comparison for Rod-Drop and Rod-Oscillator Experiments

H. A. Larson, I. A. Engen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 18 / Number 2 / May 1973 / Pages 194-197

Technical Note / A Review of Plutonium Utilization in Thermal Reactors / Reactor /

Investigation of the dynamic character of EBR-II has been done with rod-drop and rotary rod-oscillator experiments. Both of these experiments provide linear feedback transfer functions in the complex domain; the rod-oscillator experiment gives this information directly, whereas modeling procedures must be done for the rod-drop experiment. Comparisons of results show good qualitative agreement. Quantitatively, the rod-drop experiment appears to predict less feedback than the rod-oscillator experiment.