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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 17 / Number 1

Measurement of Total Attenuation Coefficients for 6- to 10-MeV Photons

K. U. Ahmed, R. G. Cochran

Nuclear Technology / Volume 17 / Number 1 / January 1973 / Pages 66-70

Technical Paper / Radiation /

Total gamma-ray attenuation coefficients for five different elements were measured for energies 6.02-, 7.28-, 7.72-, 8.49-, 9.3-, and 9.88-MeV gamma rays. The nuclear resonance scattering method was used in the attenuation of photons for the two energies, 7.28 and 8.49 MeV. For the other energies the direct narrow beam method was used. The total attenuation coefficients were measured with an average uncertainty of 0.6% and appeared to be in better agreement with the tabulated values of Hubbel and Berger than those of Storm and Israel.