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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 17 / Number 2

A Model for the Safe Storage of Fissile Solutions

S. J. Altschuler, C. L. Schuske

Nuclear Technology / Volume 17 / Number 2 / February 1973 / Pages 110-126

Technical Paper / Chemical Processing /

A model has been developed for calculating critically safe storage configurations of cylindrical vessels containing aqueous solutions of UO2F2 (93.2% 235U) and Pu(NO3)4 (95% 239Pu and 5% 240Pu). The method deals with square lattice arrays of cylindrical vessels in air surrounded by concrete walls. This model uses the concepts of surface density and unit surface -to -volume ratio to define safe array parameters. Important factors that influence this storage model are the shape of the individual storage units, storage room height, storage vessel wall thickness, and the effects of body reflection of personnel among the storage vessels. Accidental solution spills in the form of thin slabs of solution on the floor of an array also strongly influence the array parameter, surface density, and, consequently, storage or processing facility capacity.